Office Posture – steps to improvement

When you’re at the office, does worry about the way you’re sitting take up valuable brain space?

Do you fidget in your seat, trying to get comfortable? If you’re like many of my clients, office posture is a BIG issue. Like them, maybe you’re wondering if it’s even possible to be comfortable at work.

You’ve tried

  • fancy keyboards
  • ergonomic mouse/trackball/trackpad
  • footrests
  • expensive chairs
  • different monitors at different heights

But none of it seems to help. Each new bit of kit just lifts your hopes of reduced discomfort, and then lets you down.

Sound familiar?

That was certainly my experience of office work. I bought the keyboard, mouse, chair… None of it helped me. But I overcame the discomfort that nearly stopped me being able to use  computer at all. Through the Alexander Technique, I was able to start enjoying my time in the office once more. And now I’ve created a course so that I can help you do that, too.—trailer-42013

Sound promising?

I am running this course at Bristol Folk House, starting 23 April. More details are available here.

If you don’t live in Bristol, or can’t make it to the Folk House…

Not to worry! I will be running this course again, and I’m in the process of creating a home study / Skype version of the course.

Interested? Sign up for updates here:

Sign me up box link

Remember: it really is possible to take the OW out of mousing. If you want to know more, please do sign up. 🙂